Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Love Each Other

(My command is this: love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one's life for one's friends. John 15:12-13)

   We, as Christians, try so hard to follow the rules that our Father has set for us. Although, we know that we can't always do so. Sometimes I hop onto a cruise ship that'll take me to a far island, away from my faith. I'm not happy to say to that, but I do believe that we all buy a ticket for that cruise ship sometimes. 

   God has always wanted His children to accept each other as they were. As it says in John 15:12-13. I will be the first to admit to the fact that I don't do this all of the time! I judge people based on their flaws, looks, and actions sometimes. Lately, I've gotten better at not doing this. A situation that recently happened really opened my eyes to this subject.

   In February I went on a retreat with three people from my youth group. The retreat was for the United Methodist youth of North Texas (I believe that's how you would say it). It was held on a camp ground right by a lake. The lake, the trees, and the wildlife really made you take in God's gorgeous creation. It was truly breathtaking. Anyway, one of the girls in our group is different in the world's eyes. She has a very minor disease, Asperger Syndrome. She isn't shy at all about getting her opinion or thoughts out there. When I first met her she told me that she had the disease, and I had so much respect for her after she told me that. She had so much courage. 

   Back to the point! When we found our cabin that we were staying in, I could already see the girls judging her as we were making our beds.

 As the weekend went on, things just got worse. Our friend would say things that others wouldn't agree with, so the girls from the other youth group would make fun of her. I wanted so badly to say something, but I didn't. I was too worried about what the other girls would think of me! That's another thing that I think we get so caught up in. We're worried about where we stand with people. 

   As I look back, I feel so ashamed because I didn't say anything. It's like the quote that somewhat goes like this, "One who doesn't stick up for the person might as well be doing the bullying." That quote completely applied to the situation I was in. 

   He has taught us that we need to accept others as they come. No matter how hard it is for us. It does say that we can do all things thorough Him who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). We must put all of our trust into Him, so He can help us through trials like these. 

xoxo, Shaylee

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Yoga on the Bridge

Yoga on the Bridge (held on the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge in Dallas, TX). A place where yogis could unite in harmony. It was a cold and breezy afternoon, but everyone warmed each other with their energy. Just kidding! I was trying to sound deep, but we became warm as we proceeded in the session.

There were about eighty people at the session. Some were new to yoga, like my mom. It was so amusing to see her practice yoga. She isn't the type to actually do odd poses like "normal yogis" do in yoga. I do have to give her kudos though; she did pretty well for a first-timer. Just seeing the small amount of people there warmed my heart. It was cold and very windy. These people could have stayed home to watch a film or they could have went shopping, but they decided to find their inner selves on a BRIDGE. They decided to be active! It's so good to know that people are taking time out of their day to be active. Americans are so lazy these days, so the small portion who actually do something is great.

Just remember, ten minutes of physical exercise is better than none.

xoxo, Shaylee